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Who is this Nathan guy, anyway?

    That would be me. Nathan Zeldes, applied physicist by education, engineer by vocation, and maker of neat things (hardware, software, and "classic" DIY) by avocation. Married, father of two (grown) kids. Born and living in Jerusalem, Israel. Ham radio operator (4Z4GE, currently inactive).
    At the end of 2008 I decided that 26 years in the same company is enough, and so I left Intel, where I was a Principal Engineer, took the plunge and started my own business, which you're welcome to check out here.
    And do check my personal blog, Commonsense Design, dedicated to everyday product design, and the one dedicated to my professional thinking, here.

Nathan Zeldes with a Fuller calculator

And what is this site all about?

     Just my own little patch of cyberspace... my way of joining the many good people who have so enriched my mind these past years by sharing some of their thoughts, passions and interests, through their wonderful personal web sites. Here is something back in return.
    If you haven't yet published a site of your own, I urge you to consider it. With all respect to Amazon and Google and whatnot, it is we, the people, who give the Internet its soul. Come on aboard!

So what does a dish of pasta have to do with any of this?

    Nothing, really... but did you ever try to find a picture that illustrates "About"?! Besides, I never could resist a delicious dish of, say, "Pasta alla Norma"... try it, you'll love it!

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