Here are additional interesting web sites devoted to the history of computing,
sites which I found enlightening, intriguing, or just fun to browse... Most are the personal sites of collectors
like myself; all openly share their knowledge -- lots of it -- about the subject. Enjoy!
Computing Before Computers -- a complete online version of a scholarly book about the
history of computing. The detailed description of Babbage's engines is fascinating!
- Stephan Weiss
shares in-depth research articles and interactive flash simulations of many mechanical calculators.
- Rechnerlexikon -- an extensive
and growing communal (Wiki) encyclopedia (in German).
- "Die Rechenmaschinen"
(The calculating machines) -- The complete English translation of Ernst Martin's 1925 book, a key reference in our
field. Thanks are due to Walter Szrek, Herbert Schneemann, and the MIT press for making this available online.
- The Oughtred Society. Consider joining: the Journal
of the OS, available to members only, is a must if you're serious about this hobby.
- Mike Konshak's international slide rule museum
has hi-res scans of over 1000 slide rule models!
Sphere Research's Slide rule universe has loads of new and used slide rules for sale.
- John Wolff's web museum
has very detailed illustrated articles on the internal mechanisms of many mechanical calculators.
- Rod Lovett's site includes a searchable database
of past eBay auction prices.
Vintage Calculators Web Museum
is devoted to calculators, both electronic and mechanical.
- Ron Manley has an extensive slide rule site with a
wealth of information and pointers.
- Gerhard Wenzel's Museum of Pocket Calculating Devices
-- over 2800 models and counting.
- James Redin's World of Calculators includes a
directory of collectors (many with web sites).
- The Old Calculator web museum
gives deep technical descriptions of the technology in early electronic (and some mechanical) calculators.
- Nico Baaijens's site has edifying video clips of
antique calculators in operation.
- Eric Marcotte's excellent site is no longer
updated, but then, neither are slide rules...
- Giovanni Breda has two detailed sites, one on slide rules and
one on mechanical calculators.
- Jay Francis -- The Slide Rule Guy,
with a personal domain name to prove it!
- Chris Osburn's
Calculating Instruments site has interesting commentary and photos in a convenient MediaWiki interface.
- Linealis.org -- a site dedicated to manual instruments of calculation as well
as slide rules, cursors, abaci, handheld calculating machines, planimeters and integrators.
Prehistoria de la informatica -- a Spanish site
by Eduardo Guillem covering
calculators, typewriters and other office machines, with beautiful photos and a wealth of information.
Totalisator history
-- A tribute to the Totalisator, the first large scale real time multiuser
computer system,
invented in Australia in 1913, and -- incredibly! -- entirely mechanical!
The Jim Austin Computer Collection
-- a physical and online museum spanning the range from
components to actual mainframe computers!
All About the Father of the Computer: Charles Babbage --
An overview of that amazing pioneer of computer technology
(contributed by James Martin).